5 Simple changes you NEED to get promoted in 2020!

"How to get promoted", these are the same words I've typed in the google search bar when I was passed over for promotion for the nth time.

I'll share with you the simple life changes I've made to get my first promotion and how you can get yours!

Through my search, I found a book authored by Donald Asher, "Who Gets Promoted, Who Doesn't and Why".


This book helped me a lot because it gave me practical tips that I can start the following day. It enlightened me and showed me the things that I'm doing right and should keep doing and the things that need to change.

With that out of the window, the first simple change is

1) When you want to LEARN something, then search for ANSWERS!

the fact that you were to reach this blog post means that you have access to the internet. That also means that you can easily google anything that need or want to learn.

I wanted to write a blog way back 2019 but I didn't know how that's why I went back to my handy dandy google search bar.

That brings us to point number two

2) If you want to do something, you have to START!

With all the distractions around us, Instagram, Facebook, Netflix, etc. It's so easy to kill a.k.a waste time.

Before writing this blog I was trying to learn how to boost a post on Instagram and it required me to log in to my FB account. A few mins after logging in I saw that red notification signal and one thing led to another and you know how the story goes which you can easily relate to,

Checking the clock afterward I noticed that I killed an estimated army of approximately 7200 seconds which is 120 in minutes or 1 hour and 30 minutes.

I went into self-talk mode and said: "this extrajudicial killing of time should stop NOW!"

I immediately closed the FB tab in my browser and opened Microsoft Excel and begin writing (in my case typing, haha :) )

that brings us to point three

3) Develop the DISCIPLINE to the things that you need to accomplish!

It's a January which means you might have set "to lose weight" as one of new year's resolution

take it from a guy who was called fat throughout the majority of his life, losing weight takes a lot of time, effort, donuts, pizza, pasta that you need to sacrifice. Sacrificing the "good" now for an opportunity of a "better" tomorrow.

Sacrifice which I prefer to call INVESTMENT

point number four

4) INVEST in yourself!

Eat healthy, work out, learn something new, rest well, etc. The question I ask myself when I'm trying to determine if my activity is an investment to myself is "would this make me a better person today and the days moving forward?"



I asked myself before "what's a simple way to determine if I was productive in a day?" and I patterned it similar to the "daily objectives" of gaming apps.

*Eat healthy
*Work out (exercise)
*Learn something new
*Rest well
*Work on your passion project

When I'm able to accomplish these things in a day on top of my other responsibilities, I know my day was well spent. By simplifying my daily checklist of things to do it's much easier to track and accomplish.

How about you? What do you think should I include in this list?

I'll give away Php 350 discount code to the best answer!

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